Wisconsin Youth Harmony Festival
Once again on May 18th, 2024 we will invite high school quartets, their music educators, family and friends to join us at Pacelli High School in Stevens Point for a fun-filled, action-packed day of celebrating harmony and barbershop fellowship.
All high school barbershop quartets will be eligible to participate! All high school barbershop quartets from Class A, Class B, and Class C singing in SSAA, TTBB and Mixed quartets are welcome.
Registration will start at 9:00am and the festival kicks off at 10:00am. First thing, students will participate in a lively warm-up session to get everyone ready for a day of singing. Then the crowd will be treated to a round of tag-singing, led by experienced Tag Teachers. We bet you can hear the chords ringing already?!
After lunch, the contest will begin at 12:00 pm! The quartets will perform on stage in front of over 200 enthusiastic fans. The competition will be adjudicated by judges certified and the Barbershop Harmony Society, Sweet Adelines and Harmony, Inc.
Following performances by our Guest Quartets, trophies and plaques are given to the top five quartets and cash prizes of $500, $400, $300, $200, and $100 are awarded to their schools.
Once the winners are named and trophies are awarded, judges will meet with each quartet to provide positive, encouraging evaluations from the perspective of the Music, Singing and Performance categories to help the young singers improve their future performances.
Of course, no day of barbershop singing is complete without singing tags…lots and lots of tags…before we all return home!
2023 Winners
1st Place - YTBN, Burlington HS

2nd Place - The Harmonistics, Solon Springs HS

3rd place - Treble Squared, Arrowhead HS

4th place - The Lords of the Ring, Arrowhead HS

5th place - Chord Busters, Arrowhead HS